It Can Always Be Better

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Cause Needs Your Web Skills

The Polish Genealogical Society needs a volunteer to help them update and maintain their website. It's a very large genealogical society with international membership that will provide excellent exposure for your skills to the world.

Photo Grafix
has been working with them for many years volunteering photo reproduction assistance (The Rodziny) and as an educator for the members.

Even if you have only a little experience and can commit to serving a deserving institution, this is your chance. By the way, there is an excellent blog which can show you tips about web design for charities/not-for-profits here.

Here's what you need to know about the PGSA Webmaster position:

The PGSA Web site is an important component of our Society that has a wide public viewing and greatly influences the perception and credibility of the Society's mission to progress and preserve the Polish experience in the United States.

The successful candidate will possess cooperative people skills, common sense and good business judgment. A prior supervisory position in Information Management is a plus.

A working knowledge of the following languages/skills is helpful to navigate and maintain today’s Web site:

write basic HTML code
write basic PHP code
write basic SQL queries
Worked with a Content Management System
Worked with PhpGedView

Interested volunteers will be provided with a copy of the Webmaster Guidelines containing additional information. The current Webmaster will provide training until Jan 1, 2010. Your prompt response would be appreciated. Contact the PGSA Webmaster.

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